When you’re injured in an accident, the insurance company of the at-fault party may want to get the case taken care of as soon as possible. When this is the case, the insurance company could contact you to offer a settlement. Should you accept the offer? It’s difficult to know unless you’ve done some homework and spoken with your attorney. The following are some things you should do when offered a settlement by the insurance company.
Take Your Time
You are under no obligation to accept the offer when it is presented to you. If the insurer is pressuring you and making it sound like you’re going to lose your opportunity for a good settlement, chances are he or she knows you’re actually entitled to more. Tell the insurer you’ll think about the offer, then take your time looking into whether or not it’s a good offer.
Contact Your Lawyer
A personal injury lawyer is a great source to turn to when you’re considering whether to accept a settlement offer from an insurance company. Your lawyer can do a little math to determine how much your case is worth so you can compare the offer to the amount your lawyer came up with. If your lawyer feels you’re not being offered a fair settlement, he or she can help you make the next move.
Negotiate the Offer
With the assistance of your attorney, you can try to negotiate the offer. If the insurance company is going to lose a lot of money on your one case, they may do everything in their power to keep the payout as low as possible. If you would lose more going to court, you may be able to negotiate it to a higher amount but still avoid court, making it a win for both parties.
Create a Case
If you and your lawyer don’t feel like the insurance provider is being fair with the settlement, you may decide to take legal action. Your lawyer can help you build the case with evidence from the accident, testimonies from witnesses, and statements made by medical professionals. This could prompt an insurance company to offer more, or you may end up in court.
Give Your Lawyer a Call Today
You don’t have to accept an insurance settlement just because it was offered. If you have been injured in an accident, take some time to speak with an attorney about what you should do next. Call a personal injury lawyer, for more information today.